980.570.052 | queserias@marcosconde.com | Ctra de Zamora - Salamanca, Km 283, 49190 Morales del Vino - ZAMORA


Talking about Marcos Conde cheeses is synonymous with quality. We take care of the manufacturing process from the start, ensuring the best milk from sheep, cow, and goat farms, with which we make our cheeses using our family recipe for over 80 years. We combine cutting-edge technical knowledge and modern machinery with tradition and a passion for good cheese.

We produce pressed pasta cheeses with enzymatic coagulation, soft cheeses, lactic coagulation cheeses, and processed cheeses, using milk from sheep, cow, and goat, with a wide variety of aging and formats, adapting to the needs of our customers.

We manufacture sheep cheeses with the Denomination of Origin “Queso Zamorano” and the Protected Geographical Indication “Queso Castellano”, within the guarantee brand: Tierra de Sabor.

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