980.570.052 | queserias@marcosconde.com | Ctra de Zamora - Salamanca, Km 283, 49190 Morales del Vino - ZAMORA

Terms and Conditions


These General Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Sale (hereinafter, the “General Terms”) regulate the use of the website www.marcosconde.com, provided by Queserías de Zamora S.A, for individuals accessing its Website to provide them with information about products and services, whether owned and/or provided by third-party collaborators, and to facilitate access to these, as well as the hiring of services and goods through the same (collectively referred to as the “Services”).

Queserías de Zamora S.A, with its registered office at Ctra de Zamora – Salamanca, Km 283 MORALES DEL VINO – Zamora (Spain), is a Spanish limited liability company owning this Website, whose use is regulated by this document, with CIF number A49010416. To contact Queserías de Zamora S.A, you can use the above postal address as well as the email address queserias@marcosconde.com
Due to the nature of the Website, as well as its content and purpose, most of the browsing must be done with the status of Customer, which is acquired according to the procedures outlined herein. Therefore, the status of Customer implies adherence to the General Terms in the version published at the time of accessing the Website. Queserías de Zamora S.A reserves the right to modify, at any time, the presentation and configuration of the Website, as well as these General Terms. Therefore, it is recommended that the Customer reads them carefully each time they access the Website.

In any case, there are pages on the Website accessible to the general public, regarding which Queserías de Zamora S.A also aims to comply with its legal obligations and regulate their use. In this regard, users accessing these parts of the Website agree to be subject, by virtue of accessing these pages, to the terms and conditions set forth in these General Terms, to the extent applicable to them.

Finally, due to the nature of this Website, it is possible that changes or modifications to the content of these General Terms may occur. Thus, the Customer, as well as other users who do not hold this status, are obligated to review these General Terms each time they access the Website, assuming that the applicable terms will be those in force at the time of their access.


Access to the Services requires prior registration of users, once they accept the General Terms, becoming considered as Customers.

The Customer’s identifier will consist of their email address and a password. To access their own account, it will be necessary to include this identifier, as well as a password that must contain at least 4 characters.

The use of the password is personal and non-transferable, and its transfer, even temporarily, to third parties is not allowed. In this sense, the Customer commits to using it diligently and keeping it secret, assuming all responsibility for any consequences arising from its disclosure to third parties.

If the Customer becomes aware or suspects that their password is being used by third parties, they must immediately change it in the manner specified on the Website.


The Customer agrees to use the Services diligently, correctly, and lawfully, and specifically, by way of example and not limitation, agrees to refrain from:

  • using the Services in a manner, for purposes, or with effects contrary to the law, morality, and generally accepted good customs or public order;
  • reproducing or copying, distributing, allowing public access through any public communication modality, transforming or modifying the Services, unless authorized by the rights holder or legally permitted;
  • performing any act that could be considered an infringement of any intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to Queserías de Zamora S.A or third parties;
  • using the Services and, in particular, information of any kind obtained through the Website to send advertising, communications for direct sales purposes, or any other commercial purpose, unsolicited messages directed to a plurality of people regardless of their purpose, as well as marketing or disseminating such information in any way;

The Customer will be liable for any damages of any nature that Queserías de Zamora S.A may suffer, occasioned by or as a consequence of the breach of any of the above obligations as well as any others included in these General Terms and/or those imposed by law in relation to the use of the Website.

Queserías de Zamora S.A will ensure at all times respect for the current legal framework and will be entitled to interrupt, at its sole discretion, the Service or exclude the Customer from the Website in case of suspected commission, complete or partial, of any crimes or offenses defined by the current Penal Code, or if it observes any conduct that, in the opinion of Queserías de Zamora S.A, is contrary to these General Terms, the General Terms of Contract that apply to this Website, the Law, the rules established by Queserías de Zamora S.A or its collaborators, or could disturb the proper functioning, image, credibility, and/or prestige of Queserías de Zamora S.A or its collaborators.


All contents of the Website, such as texts, graphics, photographs, logos, icons, images, as well as the graphic design, source code, and software, are the exclusive property of Queserías de Zamora S.A or third parties, whose rights thereto are legitimately held by Queserías de Zamora S.A, thus being protected by national and international legislation.

The use of all elements subject to industrial and intellectual property rights for commercial purposes, as well as their distribution, modification, alteration, or decompilation, is strictly prohibited.

The infringement of any of these rights may constitute a violation of these provisions, as well as a crime punishable under Articles 270 and following of the Penal Code.

Customers who send observations, opinions, or comments to the Website via email or any other means, where possible due to the nature of the Services, are understood to authorize Queserías de Zamora S.A to reproduce, distribute, publicly communicate, transform, and exercise any other exploitation rights of such observations, opinions, or comments, for the entire copyright protection period as legally provided and without territorial limitation. Likewise, this authorization is granted free of charge.

Any claims that Customers may make regarding possible infringements of intellectual or industrial property rights over any of the Services on this Website should be directed to the following email address: queserias@marcosconde.com


Regardless of what is established in the General Terms of Contract relating to the hiring of goods provided on this Website, Queserías de Zamora S.A is not responsible for the veracity, accuracy, and quality of this Website, its services, information, and materials. Such services, information, and materials are presented “as is” and are accessible without any guarantees.

Queserías de Zamora S.A reserves the right to interrupt access to the Website, as well as the provision of any or all of the Services offered through it at any time and without prior notice, whether for technical, security, control, maintenance reasons, electrical supply failures, or any other justified cause.

As a result, Queserías de Zamora S.A does not guarantee the reliability, availability, or continuity of its Website or the Services, so the use of the same by the Customer is carried out at their own risk, and Queserías de Zamora S.A cannot be held responsible in this regard.

Queserías de Zamora S.A will not be responsible in case of interruptions in the Services, delays, errors, malfunctioning,